[nzopengis] Funding for LINZ Import/Python Skills
Robin Paulson
2010-11-19 03:50:07 UTC
a request from the nzopengis group, asking for python programmers to
help with some data import for openstreetmap

any takers?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Glen Barnes <***@gmail.com>
Date: 19 November 2010 14:11
Subject: [nzopengis] Funding for LINZ Import/Python Skills
To: nzopengis <***@googlegroups.com>

Hi All,

Rob and I (well mainly Rob since I just prod him every now and
then...) don't really have the spare time at the moment to move the
LINZ import project to the next stage. What we really need is some
Python programming resources to enhance our current tool so we can let
volunteers check in and out various layers and parts of NZ to upload
and merge in OSM. Rob and I are keen to mentor/help/advise but just
can't get enough spare time to put in the required dev work. So we are
asking two things:

- Do you know anyone with Python/Django/GIS skills who is willing to
commit to helping improve the tools?
- Do you know anyone or any organisation who could fund 5-10K to get
this built?

I'm confident that once we have the tools in place we can get the LINZ
data into OSM and continue on the good work we have done getting the
Chatham Islands uploaded.

Feel free to respond or if you would rather reply off list then you
can get me on glen [at] open.org.nz




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