Tim McNamara
2011-07-07 23:37:44 UTC
Hi all,
If you would like to contribute to humanitarian FOSS in a non-technical
manner, add your name to this pad: http://piratepad.net/kc043V9XPD
The free software and the open source communities really provided a huge
benefit to #eqnz and other emergencies more widely. I'm putting together a
miniconf proposal for LCA2012 and would love to get a team to organise the
event if the bid succeeds.
Please do so by this time next week. That will give me some time to get the
bid together for the LCA2012 organisers.
Also - which Australian lists should I send this note to? It would be great
to get trans-Tasman support.
Tim McNamara
Professional \\ paperlessprojects.com
Personal \\ @timClicks <http://twitter.com/timClicks> | timmcnamara.co.nz
NZLUG mailing list ***@linux.net.nz
If you would like to contribute to humanitarian FOSS in a non-technical
manner, add your name to this pad: http://piratepad.net/kc043V9XPD
The free software and the open source communities really provided a huge
benefit to #eqnz and other emergencies more widely. I'm putting together a
miniconf proposal for LCA2012 and would love to get a team to organise the
event if the bid succeeds.
Please do so by this time next week. That will give me some time to get the
bid together for the LCA2012 organisers.
Also - which Australian lists should I send this note to? It would be great
to get trans-Tasman support.
Tim McNamara
Professional \\ paperlessprojects.com
Personal \\ @timClicks <http://twitter.com/timClicks> | timmcnamara.co.nz
NZLUG mailing list ***@linux.net.nz