ANNOUNCE: WLUG meeting is one week away
Meeting Reminder Bot
2012-04-06 18:26:58 UTC
The Waikato Linux Users Group have a meeting in one week from today:

WLUG LanParty

Meet up at the university - usual meeting room for Monday meetings.

Time: 10am to 4pm


Come along and bring your favourite free/ open source games or games that run on free operating systems. Suggestions include:

* Bzflag
* World of Padman
* urban terror
* Sauerbraten ( thank goodness autocorrect spelt that for me)

We'll have internet access (48Mbit/s).

Entry is free for visitors and club members.

However, if you, as a visitor, wish to connect your computer to the internet for more than a few minutes, a fee of $4 dollars to cover internet costs would be appreciated. We will accept membership applications on the day ($20).

There are no kitchen facilities within the room. Toilets will be available around the campus, a couple of bakeries not far from campus.
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