Bruce Kingsbury
2011-03-08 23:37:59 UTC
If you're going to fork the topic please change the subject line?
aesthetics. Never cared for it myself though it seems to be a fairly
good media base.
The art gallery was designed and built extra strong because it houses
valuable works of art, and therefore works well as a command centre. I think
it has certain architectural merit, but the eye of the beholder is the key
to any such view.
<rant> the canterbury regional council (ecan) have a bunker designed for
civil defence emergencies. however they have fallen out so badly with the
ccc that it doesn't get used. politics be damned. </rant>
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plan. If we're lucky we get something functional, I'm not holding my
breath on the asthetic given that architects' primary purpose is to
massage their egos by perpetually holding competitions on who can build
the fugliest. At least it'll be safe (well, by and large), and we can
always hope.
The Art Gallery seems to be pretty good evidence that fugly outlastsbreath on the asthetic given that architects' primary purpose is to
massage their egos by perpetually holding competitions on who can build
the fugliest. At least it'll be safe (well, by and large), and we can
always hope.
aesthetics. Never cared for it myself though it seems to be a fairly
good media base.
valuable works of art, and therefore works well as a command centre. I think
it has certain architectural merit, but the eye of the beholder is the key
to any such view.
<rant> the canterbury regional council (ecan) have a bunker designed for
civil defence emergencies. however they have fallen out so badly with the
ccc that it doesn't get used. politics be damned. </rant>
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