Mark Harris
2011-07-19 00:01:14 UTC
So, Skynet is coming online as of 1 September, and the slimy
"rightsholders" can collect information on activity from 15 August (you
knew that, didn't you?). Those of us who've put our heads above the
parapet to oppose things like ACTA, s92A, TPPA and the filesharing
amendment might not be regarded as completely paranoid if we were to
think of ourselves as potential targets - $75 is a reasonable
cost-effective way to tie up a critic.
On the basis of my paranoia, then, I'm looking for a way to reliably log
my traffic so as to have evidence to present. If the bastards come for
me, I want to take them to the court, not the other way around.
I have a eeepc which is not doing anything at the moment (screen's
buggered - they don't like being dropped much - but the external monitor
output works fine) and I'm wondering if I can plug that into my network
as a logging device.
I'm on TelstraClear cable, and use a DLink DI524 wireless router, with a
mixed network of wired and wireless connections.
Is there some sort of appliance iso I can load up the eee with that will
do this sort of logging? Or is there a combination of recommended
software packages?
Please bear in mind I am not a CLI guru but a point and click junkie
(ooo, shiny!) ;-) but any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.
NZLUG mailing list ***
"rightsholders" can collect information on activity from 15 August (you
knew that, didn't you?). Those of us who've put our heads above the
parapet to oppose things like ACTA, s92A, TPPA and the filesharing
amendment might not be regarded as completely paranoid if we were to
think of ourselves as potential targets - $75 is a reasonable
cost-effective way to tie up a critic.
On the basis of my paranoia, then, I'm looking for a way to reliably log
my traffic so as to have evidence to present. If the bastards come for
me, I want to take them to the court, not the other way around.
I have a eeepc which is not doing anything at the moment (screen's
buggered - they don't like being dropped much - but the external monitor
output works fine) and I'm wondering if I can plug that into my network
as a logging device.
I'm on TelstraClear cable, and use a DLink DI524 wireless router, with a
mixed network of wired and wireless connections.
Is there some sort of appliance iso I can load up the eee with that will
do this sort of logging? Or is there a combination of recommended
software packages?
Please bear in mind I am not a CLI guru but a point and click junkie
(ooo, shiny!) ;-) but any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.
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