Post by Bruce ClementPost by Mark FosterSo now it appears Spammers are actually _subscribing_ to the mailing
list in order to spam us.
Or using the address book on a subscriber's PC after cracking it
Only posts from subscribed addresses reach the mailing list. The
offender was indeed subbed to the mailing list.
Yes someone could forge a from: easily enough, but in this case given
the throw-away nature of the email address I would very much doubt it.
Post by Bruce ClementPost by Mark FosterConsider this one nuked and blocked. Perhaps time to have a spring
clean of the subscriber list...
Probably a good idea anyway. How many closed and abandoned accounts are
Any email address that bounces due to being full, or non existant, is
auto unsubbed by the mailing list software. To a large degree it takes
care of itself.
There's also a goodly number of lurkers who don't post, so judging
'active' isn't so easily done.
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